Text as Design Tips

checkbox Create graphical titles and headings for added artistic effect.
checkbox Display pull-quotes and sidebars to lighten text-heavy pages.
checkbox Add WordArt, logos, graphical text, and banners to create a consistent look and feel throughout your site.
checkbox Use easy-to-understand icons in place of words, similar to the “new,” “hot,” and “home” icons sprinkled throughout the Web.
checkbox Judiciously apply color or other typographical formatting (such as boldface or italic) to draw attention to important words and concepts.
checkbox Consider using drop caps or hung initials (larger first letters in a paragraph) to indicate the beginning of a section.
checkbox Ensure that backgrounds don't interfere with the text's readability.
checkbox Include important data (such as contact information, company name, and so forth) as text, even if the information appears in graphical form elsewhere on the page.
checkbox Avoid tiny print—let visitors define the text's size via their browser settings.
checkbox Use the most common fonts available across various platforms (Windows, Apple, Linux, and so forth) in most cases. Common Web fonts are Arial, Arial Black, Comic Sans, Courier New, Georgia, Impact, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, and Verdana.