Long before the Internet, there was The Road. Roadways have served as the lifeblood of communication for centuries. Reliable and romantic, roads have contributed more to our cultural history than pizza and French fries combined. After all, you know what they say:
Would Paul Revere's ride be famous if he just shot off a few e-mails? Nay—'tis unthinkable!
Would Jack Kerouac's On the Road be a cult classic if all he did was surf the net? No way, man!
The net can show you where to go in life, but you have to hit the road to live it.
Many roadside attractions have been around longer than most of the roads that lead to them. Take a drive to find old-timey national treasures, such as:
Pick your states and create your own trail, or check back next week to see our recommended Older Than the Hills National Tour.